replicated release create
Create a new release
Create a new release by providing application manifests for the next release in your sequence.
replicated release create [flags]
--auto generate default values for use in CI
-y, --confirm-auto auto-accept the configuration generated by the --auto flag
--ensure-channel When used with --promote <channel>, will create the channel if it doesn't exist
--fail-on string The minimum severity to cause the command to exit with a non-zero exit code. Supported values are [info, warn, error, none]. (default "error")
-h, --help help for create
--lint Lint a manifests directory prior to creation of the KOTS Release.
--promote string Channel name or id to promote this release to
--release-notes string When used with --promote <channel>, sets the **markdown** release notes
--version string When used with --promote <channel>, sets the version label for the release in this channel
--yaml-dir string The directory containing multiple yamls for a Kots release. Cannot be used with the --yaml flag.
Options inherited from parent commands
--app string The app slug or app id to use in all calls
--token string The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API
- replicated release - Manage app releases