replicated cluster port rm
Remove cluster port by ID.
The 'cluster port rm' command removes a specific port from a cluster. You must provide either the ID of the port or the port number and protocol(s) to remove.
This command is useful for managing the network settings of your test clusters by allowing you to clean up unused or incorrect ports. After removing a port, the updated list of ports will be displayed.
Note that you can only use either the port ID or port number when removing a port, not both at the same time.
replicated cluster port rm CLUSTER_ID --id PORT_ID [flags]
rm, delete
# Remove a port using its ID
replicated cluster port rm CLUSTER_ID --id PORT_ID
# Remove a port using its number (deprecated)
replicated cluster port rm CLUSTER_ID --port 8080 --protocol http,https
# Remove a port and display the result in JSON format
replicated cluster port rm CLUSTER_ID --id PORT_ID --output json
-h, --help help for rm
--id string ID of the port to remove (required)
--output string The output format to use. One of: json|table|wide (default: table) (default "table")
Options inherited from parent commands
--app string The app slug or app id to use in all calls
--token string The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API
- replicated cluster port - Manage cluster ports.