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replicated customer download-license

Download a customer's license


The download-license command allows you to retrieve and save a customer's license.

This command fetches the license for a specified customer and either outputs it to stdout or saves it to a file. The license contains crucial information about the customer's subscription and usage rights.

You must specify the customer using either their name or ID with the --customer flag.

replicated customer download-license [flags]


# Download license for a customer by ID and output to stdout
replicated customer download-license --customer cus_abcdef123456

# Download license for a customer by name and save to a file
replicated customer download-license --customer "Acme Inc" --output license.yaml

# Download license for a customer in a specific app (if you have multiple apps)
replicated customer download-license --app myapp --customer "Acme Inc" --output license.yaml


      --customer string   The Customer Name or ID
-h, --help help for download-license
-o, --output string Path to output license to. Defaults to stdout (default "-")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --app string     The app slug or app id to use in all calls
--debug Enable debug output
--token string The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API