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replicated vm create

Create one or more test VMs with specified distribution, version, and configuration options.


Create one or more test VMs with a specified distribution, version, and a variety of customizable configuration options.

This command allows you to provision VMs with different distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, RHEL), versions, instance types, and more. You can set the number of VMs to create, disk size, and specify the network to use. If no network is provided, a new network will be created automatically. You can also assign tags to your VMs and use a TTL (Time-To-Live) to define how long the VMs should live.

By default, the command provisions one VM, but you can customize the number of VMs to create by using the "--count" flag. Additionally, you can use the "--dry-run" flag to simulate the creation without actually provisioning the VMs.

The command also supports a "--wait" flag to wait for the VMs to be ready before returning control, with a customizable timeout duration.

replicated vm create [flags]


# Create a single Ubuntu 20.04 VM
replicated vm create --distribution ubuntu --version 20.04

# Create 3 Ubuntu 22.04 VMs
replicated vm create --distribution ubuntu --version 22.04 --count 3

# Create 5 Ubuntu VMs with a custom instance type and disk size
replicated vm create --distribution ubuntu --version 20.04 --count 5 --instance-type r1.medium --disk 100


      --count int              Number of matching VMs to create (default 1)
--disk int Disk Size (GiB) to request per node (default 50)
--distribution string Distribution of the vm to provision
--dry-run Dry run
-h, --help help for create
--instance-type string The type of instance to use (e.g. r1.medium)
--name string VM name (defaults to random name)
--network string The network to use for the VM(s). If not supplied, create a new network
--output string The output format to use. One of: json|table|wide (default: table) (default "table")
--tag stringArray Tag to apply to the VM (key=value format, can be specified multiple times)
--ttl string VM TTL (duration, max 48h)
--version string Vversion to provision (format is distribution dependent)
--wait duration Wait duration for VM(s) to be ready (leave empty to not wait)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --app string     The app slug or app id to use in all calls
--token string The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API