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About the Replicated Proxy Registry

This topic describes how the Replicated proxy registry can be used to grant proxy access to your application's private images or allow pull through access of public images.


If your application images are available in a private image registry exposed to the internet such as Docker Hub or Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), then the Replicated proxy registry can grant proxy, or pull-through, access to the images without exposing registry credentials to your customers. When you use the proxy registry, you do not have to modify the process that you already use to build and push images to deploy your application.

To grant proxy access, the proxy registry uses the customer licenses that you create in the Replicated vendor portal. This allows you to revoke a customer’s ability to pull private images by editing their license, rather than having to manage image access through separate identity or authentication systems. For example, when a trial license expires, the customer's ability to pull private images is automatically revoked.

The following diagram demonstrates how the proxy registry pulls images from your external registry, and how deployed instances of your application pull images from the proxy registry:

Proxy registry workflow diagram

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About Enabling the Proxy Registry

The proxy registry requires read-only credentials to your private registry to access your application images. See Connecting to an External Registry.

After connecting your registry, the steps the enable the proxy registry vary depending on your application deployment method. For more information, see:

About Allowing Pull-Through Access of Public Images

Using the Replicated proxy registry to grant pull-through access to public images can simplify network access requirements for your customers, as they only need to whitelist a single domain (either or your custom domain) instead of multiple registry domains.

For more information about how to pull public images through the proxy registry, see Connecting to a Public Registry through the Proxy Registry.