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replicated customer archive

Archive a customer


Archive a customer for the current application.

This command allows you to archive a customer record. Archiving a customer will make their license inactive and remove them from active customer lists. This action is reversible - you can unarchive a customer later if needed.

The customer can be specified by either their name or ID.

replicated customer archive <customer_name_or_id> [flags]


# Archive a customer by name
replicated customer archive "Acme Inc"

# Archive a customer by ID
replicated customer archive cus_abcdef123456

# Archive multiple customers by ID
replicated customer archive cus_abcdef123456 cus_xyz9876543210

# Archive a customer in a specific app (if you have multiple apps)
replicated customer archive --app myapp "Acme Inc"


      --app string   The app to archive the customer in (not required when using a customer id)
-h, --help help for archive

Options inherited from parent commands

      --token string   The API token to use to access your app in the Vendor API