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Step 1: Get the Sample Chart and Test

To begin, get the sample Grafana Helm chart from Bitnami, install the chart in your cluster using the Helm CLI, and then uninstall. The purpose of this step is to confirm that you can successfully install and access the application before adding the chart to a release in the Replicated vendor platform.

To get the sample Grafana chart and test installation:

  1. Run the following command to pull and untar version 9.6.5 of the Bitnami Grafana Helm chart:

    helm pull --untar oci:// --version 9.6.5

    For more information about this chart, see the bitnami/grafana repository in GitHub.

  2. Change to the new grafana directory that was created:

    cd grafana
  3. View the files in the directory:


    The directory contains the following files:

    Chart.lock  Chart.yaml  charts  templates  values.yaml
  4. Install the chart in your cluster:

    helm install grafana . --namespace grafana --create-namespace

    To view the full installation instructions from Bitnami, see Installing the Chart in the bitnami/grafana repository.

    After running the installation command, the following output is displayed:

    NAME: grafana
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 14 14:54:50 2023
    NAMESPACE: grafana
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    CHART NAME: grafana
    CHART VERSION: 9.6.5
    APP VERSION: 10.2.2

    ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **

    1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
    echo "Browse to"
    kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 8080:3000 &

    2. Get the admin credentials:

    echo "User: admin"
    echo "Password: $(kubectl get secret grafana-admin --namespace grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)"
    # Note: Do not include grafana.validateValues.database here. See
  5. Watch the grafana Deployment until it is ready:

    kubectl get deploy grafana --namespace grafana --watch
  6. When the Deployment is created, run the commands provided in the output of the installation command to get the Grafana login credentials:

    echo "User: admin"
    echo "Password: $(kubectl get secret grafana-admin --namespace grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)"
  7. Run the commands provided in the ouptut of the installation command to get the Grafana URL:

    echo "Browse to"
    kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 8080:3000 --namespace grafana

    Include --namespace grafana in the kubectl port-forward command.

  8. In a browser, go to the URL to open the Grafana login page:

    Grafana login page

    View a larger version of this image

  9. Log in using the credentials provided to open the Grafana dashboard:

    Grafana dashboard

    View a larger version of this image

  10. Uninstall the Helm chart:

    helm uninstall grafana --namespace grafana

    This command removes all the Kubernetes resources associated with the chart and uninstalls the grafana release.

  11. Delete the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace grafana

Next Step

Log in to the vendor portal and create an application. See Step 2: Create an Application.