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Mapping User-Supplied Values

This topic describes how to map the values that your users provide in the Replicated Admin Console configuration screen to your application.

This topic assumes that you have already added custom fields to the Admin Console configuration screen by editing the Config custom resource. For more information, see Creating and Editing Configuration Fields.

Overview of Mapping Values

You use the values that your users provide in the Admin Console configuration screen to render YAML in the manifest files for your application.

For example, if you provide an embedded database with your application, you might add a field on the Admin Console configuration screen where users input a password for the embedded database. You can then map the password that your user supplies in this field to the Secret manifest file for the database in your application.

For an example of mapping database configuration options in a sample application, see Example: Adding Database Configuration Options.

You can also conditionally deploy custom resources depending on the user input for a given field. For example, if a customer chooses to use their own database with your application rather than an embedded database option, it is not desirable to deploy the optional database resources such as a StatefulSet and a Service.

For more information about including optional resources conditionally based on user-supplied values, see Conditionally Including or Excluding Resources.

About Mapping Values with Template Functions

To map user-supplied values, you use Replicated KOTS template functions. The template functions are based on the Go text/template libraries. To use template functions, you add them as strings in the custom resource manifest files in your application.

For more information about template functions, including use cases and examples, see About Template Functions.

For more information about the syntax of the template functions for mapping configuration values, see Config Context in the Template Functions section.

Map User-Supplied Values

Follow one of these procedures to map user inputs from the configuration screen, depending on if you use a Helm chart for your application:

Map Values to Manifest Files

To map user-supplied values from the configuration screen to manifest files in your application:

  1. In the Vendor Portal, click Releases. Then, click View YAML next to the desired release.

  2. Open the Config custom resource manifest file that you created in the Add Fields to the Configuration Screen procedure. The Config custom resource manifest file has kind: Config.

  3. In the Config manifest file, locate the name of the user-input field that you want to map.


    kind: Config
    name: my-application
    - name: smtp_settings
    title: SMTP Settings
    description: Configure SMTP Settings
    - name: smtp_host
    title: SMTP Hostname
    help_text: Set SMTP Hostname
    type: text

    In the example above, the field name to map is smtp_host.

  4. In the same release in the Vendor Portal, open the manifest file where you want to map the value for the field that you selected.

  5. In the manifest file, use the ConfigOption template function to map the user-supplied value in a key value pair. For example:

    hostname: '{{repl ConfigOption "smtp_host"}}'

    For more information about the ConfigOption template function, see Config Context in the Template Functions section.


    The following example shows mapping user-supplied TLS certificate and TLS private key files to the tls.cert and tls.key keys in a Secret custom resource manifest file.

    For more information about working with TLS secrets, including a strategy for re-using the certificates uploaded for the Admin Console itself, see the Configuring Cluster Ingress example.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: tls-secret
    tls.crt: '{{repl ConfigOption "tls_certificate_file" }}'
    tls.key: '{{repl ConfigOption "tls_private_key_file" }}'
  6. Save and promote the release to a development environment to test your changes.

Map Values to a Helm Chart

The values.yaml file in a Helm chart defines parameters that are specific to each environment in which the chart will be deployed. With Replicated KOTS, your users provide these values through the configuration screen in the Admin Console. You customize the configuration screen based on the required and optional configuration fields that you want to expose to your users.

To map the values that your users provide in the Admin Console configuration screen to your Helm chart values.yaml file, you create a HelmChart custom resource.

For a tutorial that shows how to set values in a sample Helm chart during installation with KOTS, see Set Helm Chart Values with KOTS.

To map user inputs from the configuration screen to the values.yaml file:

  1. In the Vendor Portal, click Releases. Then, click View YAML next to the desired release.

  2. Open the Config custom resource manifest file that you created in the Add Fields to the Configuration Screen procedure. The Config custom resource manifest file has kind: Config.

  3. In the Config manifest file, locate the name of the user-input field that you want to map.


    kind: Config
    name: my-application
    - name: smtp_settings
    title: SMTP Settings
    description: Configure SMTP Settings
    - name: smtp_host
    title: SMTP Hostname
    help_text: Set SMTP Hostname
    type: text

    In the example above, the field name to map is smtp_host.

  4. In the same release, create a HelmChart custom resource manifest file. A HelmChart custom resource manifest file has kind: HelmChart.

    For more information about the HelmChart custom resource, see HelmChart in the Custom Resources section.

  5. In the HelmChart manifest file, copy and paste the name of the property from your values.yaml file that corresponds to the field that you selected from the Config manifest file under values:


    Replace HELM_VALUE_KEY with the property name from the values.yaml file.

  6. Use the ConfigOption template function to set the property from the values.yaml file equal to the corresponding configuration screen field:

    HELM_VALUE_KEY: '{{repl ConfigOption "CONFIG_SCREEN_FIELD_NAME" }}'

    Replace CONFIG_SCREEN_FIELD_NAME with the name of the field that you created in the Config custom resource.

    For more information about the KOTS ConfigOption template function, see Config Context in the Template Functions section.


    kind: HelmChart
    name: samplechart
    name: samplechart
    chartVersion: 3.1.7
    helmVersion: v3
    useHelmInstall: true
    hostname: '{{repl ConfigOption "smtp_host" }}'
  7. Save and promote the release to a development environment to test your changes.