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About Distributing Helm Charts with KOTS

This topic provides an overview of how Replicated KOTS deploys Helm charts, including an introduction to the KOTS HelmChart custom resource, limitations of deploying Helm charts with KOTS, and more.


Helm is a popular open source package manager for Kubernetes applications. Many ISVs use Helm to configure and deploy Kubernetes applications because it provides a consistent, reusable, and sharable packaging format. For more information, see the Helm documentation.

KOTS can install applications that include:

  • One or more Helm charts
  • More than a single instance of any chart
  • A combination of Helm charts and Kubernetes manifests

Replicated strongly recommends that all applications are packaged as Helm charts because many enterprise users expect to be able to install an application with the Helm CLI.

Deploying Helm charts with KOTS provides additional functionality not directly available with the Helm CLI, such as:

  • The KOTS Admin Console
  • Backup and restore with snapshots
  • Support for air gap installations
  • Support for embedded cluster installations on VMs or bare metal servers

Additionally, for applications packaged as Helm charts, you can support Helm CLI and KOTS installations from the same release without having to maintain separate sets of Helm charts and application manifests. The following diagram demonstrates how a single release containing one or more Helm charts can be installed using the Helm CLI and KOTS:

One release being installed into three different customer environments

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For a tutorial that demonstrates how to add a sample Helm chart to a release and then install the release using both KOTS and the Helm CLI, see Install a Helm Chart with KOTS and the Helm CLI.

How KOTS Deploys Helm Charts

This section describes how KOTS uses the HelmChart custom resource to deploy Helm charts.

About the HelmChart Custom Resource

To deploy Helm charts, KOTS requires a unique HelmChart custom resource for each Helm chart .tgz archive in the release. You configure the HelmChart custom resource to provide the necessary instructions to KOTS for processing and preparing the chart for deployment. Additionally, the HelmChart custom resource creates a mapping between KOTS and your Helm chart to allow Helm values to be dynamically set during installation or upgrade.

The HelmChart custom resource with apiVersion: is supported with KOTS v1.99.0 and later. For more information, see About the HelmChart Installation Method below.

KOTS versions earlier than v1.99.0 can install Helm charts with apiVersion: of the HelmChart custom resource. The HelmChart custom resource is deprecated. For more information, see Deprecated HelmChart Installation Methods below.

About the HelmChart Installation Method

When you include a HelmChart custom resource with apiVersion: in a release, KOTS v1.99.0 or later does a Helm install or upgrade of the associated Helm chart directly.

The HelmChart custom resource does not modify the chart during installation. This results in Helm chart installations that are consistent, reliable, and easy to troubleshoot. For example, you can reproduce the exact installation outside of KOTS by downloading a copy of the application files from the cluster with kots download, then using those files to install with helm install. And, you can use helm get values to view the values that were used to install.

The HelmChart custom resource requires configuration. For more information, see Configuring the HelmChart Custom Resource v2.

For information about the fields and syntax of the HelmChart custom resource, see HelmChart v2.


The following limitations apply when deploying Helm charts with the HelmChart custom resource:

  • Available only for Helm v3.

  • Available only for KOTS v1.99.0 and later.

  • The rendered manifests shown in the rendered directory might not reflect the final manifests that will be deployed to the cluster. This is because the manifests in the rendered directory are generated using helm template, which is not run with cluster context. So values returned by the lookup function and the built-in Capabilities object might differ.

  • When updating the HelmChart custom resource in a release from to, the diff viewer shows a large diff because the underlying file structure of the rendered manifests is different.

  • Editing downstream Kustomization files to make changes to the application before deploying is not supported. This is because KOTS does not use Kustomize when installing Helm charts with the HelmChart custom resource. For more information about patching applications with Kustomize, see Patching with Kustomize.

  • The KOTS Auto-GitOps workflow is not supported for installations with the HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: or the HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: with useHelmInstall: true.


    KOTS Auto-GitOps is a legacy feature and is not recommended for use. For modern enterprise customers that prefer software deployment processes that use CI/CD pipelines, Replicated recommends the Helm CLI installation method, which is more commonly used in these types of enterprise environments.

    For more information, see KOTS Auto-GitOps Workflow.

Support for Helm Hooks

KOTS supports the following hooks for Helm charts:

  • pre-install: Executes after resources are rendered but before any resources are installed.
  • post-install: Executes after resources are installed.
  • pre-upgrade: Executes after resources are rendered but before any resources are upgraded.
  • post-upgrade: Executes after resources are upgraded.
  • pre-delete: Executes before any resources are deleted.
  • post-delete: Executes after resources are deleted.

The following limitations apply to using hooks with Helm charts deployed by KOTS:

  • The following hooks are not supported and are ignored if they are present:

    • test
    • pre-rollback
    • post-rollback
  • Hook weights below -9999 are not supported. All hook weights must be set to a value above -9999 to ensure the Replicated image pull secret is deployed before any resources are pulled.

For more information about Helm hooks, see Chart Hooks in the Helm documentation.

Air Gap Installations

KOTS supports installation of Helm charts into air gap environments with configuration of the HelmChart custom resource builder key. The builder key specifies the Helm values to use when building the air gap bundle for the application.

For more information about how to configure the builder key to support air gap installations, see Packaging Air Gap Bundles for Helm Charts.

Resource Deployment Order

When installing an application that includes one or more Helm charts, KOTS always deploys standard Kubernetes manifests to the cluster before deploying any Helm charts. For example, if your release contains a Helm chart, a CRD, and a ConfigMap, then the CRD and ConfigMap resources are deployed before the Helm chart.

For information about how to set the deployment order for Helm charts with KOTS, see Orchestrating Resource Deployment.

Deprecated HelmChart Installation Methods

This section describes the deprecated Helm chart installation methods that use the HelmChart custom resource apiVersion:


The HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: is deprecated. For installations with Replicated KOTS v1.99.0 and later, use the HelmChart custom resource with apiVersion: instead. See HelmChart v2 and Confguring the HelmChart Custom Resource v2.

useHelmInstall: true


This method was previously referred to as Native Helm.

When you include version of the HelmChart custom resource with useHelmInstall: true, KOTS uses Kustomize to render the chart with configuration values, license field values, and rewritten image names. KOTS then packages the resulting manifests into a new Helm chart to install. For more information about Kustomize, see the Kustomize documentation.

The following diagram shows how KOTS processes Helm charts for deployment with the method:

Flow chart of a v1beta1 Helm chart deployment to a cluster

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As shown in the diagram above, when given a Helm chart, KOTS:

  • Uses Kustomize to merge instructions from KOTS and the end user to chart resources (see steps 2 - 4 below)
  • Packages the resulting manifest files into a new Helm chart (see step 5 below)
  • Deploys the new Helm chart (see step 5 below)

To deploy Helm charts with version of the HelmChart custom resource, KOTS does the following:

  1. Checks for previous installations of the chart: If the Helm chart has already been deployed with a HelmChart custom resource that has useHelmInstall: false, then KOTS does not attempt the install the chart. The following error message is displayed if this check fails: Deployment method for chart <chart_name> has changed. For more information, see HelmChart (useHelmInstall: false) below.

  2. Writes base files: KOTS extracts Helm manifests, renders them with Replicated templating, and then adds all files from the original Helm tarball to a base/charts/ directory.

Under base/charts/, KOTS adds a Kustomization file named kustomization.yaml in the directories for each chart and subchart. KOTS uses these Kustomization files later in the deployment process to merge instructions from Kustomize to the chart resources. For more information about Kustomize, see the Kustomize website.

The following screenshot from the Replicated Admin Console shows a base/charts/ directory for a deployed application. The base/charts/ directory contains a Helm chart named postgresql with one subchart:

Base directory in the Admin Console

In the screenshot above, a Kustomization file that targets the resources from the postgresql Helm chart appears in the base/charts/postgresql/ directory:

kind: Kustomization
- secrets.yaml
- statefulset.yaml
- svc-headless.yaml
- svc.yaml
  1. Writes midstream files with Kustomize instructions from KOTS: KOTS then copies the directory structure from base/charts/ to an overlays/midstream/charts/ directory. The following screenshot shows an example of the midstream directory for the postgresql Helm chart:

Midstream directory in the Admin Console UI

As shown in the screenshot above, the midstream directory also contains a Kustomization file with instructions from KOTS for all deployed resources, such as image pull secrets, image rewrites, and backup labels. For example, in the midstream Kustomization file, KOTS rewrites any private images to pull from the Replicated proxy registry.

The following shows an example of a midstream Kustomization file for the postgresql Helm chart:

- ../../../../base/charts/postgresql
commonAnnotations: helm-test
- name:
kind: Kustomization
- pullsecrets.yaml
- secret.yaml
- backup-label-transformer.yaml

As shown in the example above, all midstream Kustomization files have a bases entry that references the corresponding Kustomization file from the base/charts/ directory.

  1. Writes downstream files for end user Kustomize instructions: KOTS then creates an overlays/downstream/this-cluster/charts directory and again copies the directory structure of base/charts/ to this downstream directory:

    Downstream directory in the Admin Console UI

    As shown in the screenshot above, each chart and subchart directory in the downstream directory also contains a Kustomization file. These downstream Kustomization files contain only a bases entry that references the corresponding Kustomization file from the midstream directory. For example:

    - ../../../../midstream/charts/postgresql
    kind: Kustomization

    End users can edit the downstream Kustomization files to make changes before deploying the application. Any instructions that users add to the Kustomization files in the downstream directory take priority over midstream and base Kustomization files. For more information about how users can make changes before deploying, see Patching with Kustomize in Enterprise User Documentation.

  2. Deploys the Helm chart: KOTS runs kustomize build for any Kustomization files in the overlays/downstream/charts directory. KOTS then packages the resulting manifests into a new chart for Helm to consume.

    Finally, KOTS runs helm upgrade -i <release-name> <chart> --timeout 3600s -n <namespace>. The Helm binary processes hooks and weights, applies manifests to the Kubernetes cluster, and saves a release secret similar to sh.helm.release.v1.chart-name.v1. Helm uses this secret to track upgrades and rollbacks of applications.

useHelmInstall: false


This method was previously referred to as Replicated Helm.

When you use version of HelmChart custom resource with useHelmInstall: false, KOTS renders the Helm templates and deploys them as standard Kubernetes manifests using kubectl apply. KOTS also has additional functionality for specific Helm hooks. For example, when KOTS encounters an upstream Helm chart with a annotation, it automatically adds the same to the Job object.

The resulting deployment is comprised of standard Kubernetes manifests. Therefore, cluster operators can view the exact differences between what is currently deployed and what an update will deploy.


This section lists the limitations for version of the HelmChart custom resource. (useHelmInstall: true) Limitations

The following limitations apply when using version of the HelmChart custom resource with useHelmInstall: true:

  • The HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: is deprecated. For installations with Replicated KOTS v1.99.0 and later, use the HelmChart custom resource with apiVersion: instead. See HelmChart v2 and Confguring the HelmChart Custom Resource v2.

  • Available only for Helm V3.

  • The KOTS Auto-GitOps workflow is not supported for installations with the HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: or the HelmChart custom resource apiVersion: with useHelmInstall: true.

    For more information, see KOTS Auto-GitOps Workflow.

  • The following hooks are not supported and are ignored if they are present:

    • test
    • pre-rollback
    • post-rollback
  • Hook weights below -9999 are not supported. All hook weights must be set to a value above -9999 to ensure the Replicated image pull secret is deployed before any resources are pulled.

  • Helm's lookup function and some values in the built-in Capabilities object are not supported with the HelmChart custom resource.

    This is because KOTS uses the helm template command to render chart templates locally. During rendering, Helm does not have access to the cluster where the chart will be installed. For more information, see Kubernetes and Chart Functions in the Helm documentation.

  • Support for Helm v2, including security patches, ended on November 13, 2020. If you specified helmVersion: v2 in any HelmChart custom resources, update your references to v3. By default, KOTS uses Helm v3 to process all Helm charts.

    For more information, see helmVersion in HelmChart. (useHelmInstall: false) Limitations

The following limitations apply when using version of the HelmChart custom resource with useHelmInstall: false:

  • You cannot migrate existing Helm charts in existing installations from the useHelmInstall: false installation method to a different method. If KOTS already installed the Helm chart previously in the environment using a HelmChart custom resource with apiVersion: and useHelmInstall: false, then KOTS does not attempt to install the chart using a different method and displays the following error message: Deployment method for chart <chart_name> has changed.

    To change the installation method from useHelmInstall: false to a different method, the user must reinstall your application in a new environment.

  • Helm's lookup function and some values in the built-in Capabilities object are not supported with the HelmChart custom resource.

    This is because KOTS uses the helm template command to render chart templates locally. During rendering, Helm does not have access to the cluster where the chart will be installed. For more information, see Kubernetes and Chart Functions in the Helm documentation.

  • Support for Helm v2, including security patches, ended on November 13, 2020. If you specified helmVersion: v2 in any HelmChart custom resources, update your references to v3. By default, KOTS uses Helm v3 to process all Helm charts.

    For more information, see helmVersion in HelmChart.