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Setting Helm Values with KOTS

This topic describes how to use the Replicated KOTS HelmChart custom resource to set and delete values in values.yaml files for Helm charts deployed with Replicated KOTS.

For a tutorial that demonstrates how to set Helm values in a sample Helm chart using the KOTS HelmChart custom resource, see Tutorial: Set Helm Chart Values with KOTS.


The KOTS HelmChart custom resource values and optionalValues keys create a mapping between KOTS and the values.yaml file for the corresponding Helm chart. This allows you to set or delete Helm values during installation or upgrade with KOTS, without having to make any changes to the Helm chart itself.

You can create this mapping by adding a value under values or optionalValues that uses the exact same key name as a value in the corresponding Helm chart values.yaml file. During installation or upgrade, KOTS sets the Helm chart values.yaml file with any matching values from the values or optionalValues keys.

The values and optionalValues keys also support the use of Replicated KOTS template functions. When you use KOTS template functions in the values and optionalValues keys, KOTS renders the template functions and then sets any matching values in the corresponding Helm chart values.yaml with the rendered values. For more information, see About Template Functions.

Common use cases for the HelmChart custom resource values and optionalValues keys include:

  • Setting Helm values based on user-supplied values from the KOTS admin console configuration page
  • Setting values based on the user's unique license entitlements
  • Conditionally setting values when a given condition is met
  • Deleting a default value key from the values.yaml file that should not be included for KOTS installations

For more information about the syntax for these fields, see values and optionalValues in HelmChart v2.

Set Values

This section describes how to use KOTS template functions or static values in the HelmChart custom resource values key to set existing Helm values.

Using a Static Value

You can use static values in the HelmChart custom resource values key when a given Helm value must be set the same for all KOTS installations. This allows you to set values for KOTS installations only, without affecting values for any installations that use the Helm CLI.

For example, the following Helm chart values.yaml file contains kotsOnlyValue.enabled, which is set to false by default:

# Helm chart values.yaml
enabled: false

The following HelmChart custom resource contains a mapping to kotsOnlyValue.enabled in its values key, which is set to true:

# KOTS HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
name: samplechart
chartVersion: 3.1.7

releaseName: samplechart-release-1

enabled: true

During installation or upgrade with KOTS, KOTS sets kotsOnlyValue.enabled in the Helm chart values.yaml file to true so that the KOTS-only value is enabled for the installation. For installations that use the Helm CLI instead of KOTS, kotsOnlyValue.enabled remains false.

Using KOTS Template Functions

You can use KOTS template functions in the HelmChart custom resource values key to set Helm values with the rendered template functions. For more information, see About Template Functions.

Using KOTS template functions in the Config context allows you to set Helm values based on user-supplied values from the KOTS admin console configuration page.

For example, the following Helm chart values.yaml file contains postgresql.enabled, which is set to false:

# Helm chart values.yaml
enabled: false

The following HelmChart custom resource contains a mapping to postgresql.enabled in its values key:

# KOTS HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
name: samplechart
chartVersion: 3.1.7

releaseName: samplechart-release-1

enabled: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals `postgres_type` `embedded_postgres`}}

The values.postgresql.enabled field in the HelmChart custom resource above uses the Replicated ConfigOptionEquals template function to evaluate the user's selection for a postgres_type configuration option.

During installation or upgrade, the template function is rendered to true or false based on the user's selction. Then, KOTS sets the matching postgresql.enabled value in the Helm chart values.yaml file accordingly.

Conditionally Set Values

The optionalValues key can be used to set values in the Helm chart values.yaml file when a given conditional statement evaluates to true. For example, if a customer chooses to include an optional application component in their deployment, it might be necessary to include Helm chart values related to the optional component.

optionalValues includes the following properties:

  • optionalValues.when: Defines a conditional statement using KOTS template functions. If optionalValues.when evaluates to true, then the values specified in optionalValues are set.

  • optionalValues.recursiveMerge: Defines how optionalValues is merged with values.

  • optionalValues.values: An array of key-value pairs.

For example, the following HelmChart custom resource uses the optionalValues key and the ConfigOptionEquals template function to set user-supplied values for an external MariaDB database:

# KOTS HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: wordpress
name: wordpress
chartVersion: 15.3.2

releaseName: sample-release-1

- when: "repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals `mariadb_type` `external`}}"
recursiveMerge: false
host: "repl{{ ConfigOption `external_db_host`}}"
user: "repl{{ ConfigOption `external_db_user`}}"
password: "repl{{ ConfigOption `external_db_password`}}"
database: "repl{{ ConfigOption `external_db_database`}}"
port: "repl{{ ConfigOption `external_ db_port`}}"

During installation, KOTS renders the template functions and sets the externalDatabase values in the HelmChart values.yaml file only when the user selects the external option for mariadb_type on the admin console configuration page.

About Recursive Merge for optionalValues

The optionalValues.recursiveMerge boolean defines how KOTS merges values and optionalValues:

  • When optionalValues.recursiveMerge is false, the top level keys in optionalValues override the top level keys in values. By default, optionalValues.recursiveMerge is set to false.

  • When optionalValues.recursiveMerge is true, all keys from values and optionalValues are included. In the case of a conflict where there is a matching key in optionalValues and values, KOTS uses the value of the key from optionalValues.

For example, the following HelmChart custom resource has both values and optionalValues:

hot: tea
cold: soda
dessert: ice cream
day: saturday

- when: '{{repl ConfigOptionEquals "example_config_option" "1" }}'
recursiveMerge: false
enabled: true
cold: lemonade

The values.yaml file for the associated Helm chart defines the following key value pairs:

hot: coffee
cold: soda
dessert: pie

The templates/configmap.yaml file for the Helm chart maps these values to the following fields:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: test-configmap
favorite_day: {{ }}
favorite_dessert: {{ .Values.favorite.dessert }}
favorite_drink_cold: {{ .Values.favorite.drink.cold }}
favorite_drink_hot: {{ }}

When recursiveMerge is set to false, the ConfigMap for the deployed application includes the following key value pairs:

favorite_day: null
favorite_dessert: pie
favorite_drink_cold: lemonade
favorite_drink_hot: coffee

In this case, the top level keys in optionalValues override the top level keys in values.

KOTS then uses the values from the Helm chart values.yaml to populate the remaining fields in the ConfigMap: favorite_day, favorite_dessert, and favorite_drink_hot.

When recursiveMerge is set to true, the ConfigMap for the deployed application includes the following key value pairs:

favorite_day: saturday
favorite_dessert: ice cream
favorite_drink_cold: lemonade
favorite_drink_hot: tea

In this case, all keys from values and optionalValues are merged. Because both include favorite.drink.cold, KOTS uses lemonade from optionalValues.

Delete a Default Key

If the Helm chart values.yaml contains a static value that must be deleted when deploying with KOTS, you can set the value to "null" (including the quotation marks) in the values key of the HelmChart custom resource.

A common use case for deleting default value keys is when you include a community Helm chart as a dependency. Because you cannot control how the community chart is built and structured, you might want to change some of the default behavior.

For example, the following HelmChart custom resource sets an exampleKey value to "null" when the chart is deployed with KOTS:

# KOTS HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
name: samplechart
chartVersion: 3.1.7

releaseName: samplechart-release-1

exampleKey: "null"

For more information about using a null value to delete a key, see Deleting a Default Key in the Helm documentation.