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License Context

Template functions in the license context have access to customer license and version data. For more information about managing customer licenses, see About Customers and Licensing.


func LicenseFieldValue(name string) string

LicenseFieldValue returns the value of the specified license field. LicenseFieldValue accepts custom license fields and all built-in license fields. For a list of all built-in fields, see Built-In License Fields.

LicenseFieldValue always returns a string, regardless of the license field type. To return integer or boolean values, you need to use the ParseInt or ParseBool template function to convert the string value.

String License Field

The following example returns the value of the built-in customerName license field:

customerName: '{{repl LicenseFieldValue "customerName" }}'

Integer License Field

The following example returns the value of a custom integer license field named numSeats:

numSeats: repl{{ LicenseFieldValue "numSeats" | ParseInt }}

This example uses ParseInt to convert the returned value to an integer.

Boolean License Field

The following example returns the value of a custom boolean license field named feature-1:

feature-1: repl{{ LicenseFieldValue "feature-1" | ParseBool }}

This example uses ParseBool to convert the returned value to a boolean.


func LicenseDockerCfg() string

LicenseDockerCfg returns a value that can be written to a secret if needed to deploy manually. Replicated KOTS creates and injects this secret automatically in normal conditions, but some deployments (with static, additional namespaces) may need to include this.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: myapp-registry
namespace: my-other-namespace
.dockerconfigjson: repl{{ LicenseDockerCfg }}


func Sequence() int64

Sequence is the sequence of the application deployed. This will start at 0 for each installation, and increase with every app update, config change, license update and registry setting change.

'{{repl Sequence }}'


func Cursor() string

Cursor is the channel sequence of the app. For instance, if 5 releases have been promoted to the channel that the app is running, then this would return the string 5.

'{{repl Cursor }}'


func ChannelName() string

ChannelName is the name of the deployed channel of the app.

'{{repl ChannelName }}'


func VersionLabel() string

VersionLabel is the semantic version of the app, as specified when promoting a release to a channel.

'{{repl VersionLabel }}'


func ReleaseNotes() string

ReleaseNotes is the release notes of the current version of the app.

'{{repl ReleaseNotes }}'


func IsAirgap() bool

IsAirgap is true when the app is installed via uploading an airgap package, false otherwise.

'{{repl IsAirgap }}'