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Configuring the HelmChart Custom Resource v2

This topic describes how to configure the Replicated HelmChart custom resource version to support Helm chart installations with Replicated KOTS.


To support Helm chart installations with the KOTS HelmChart custom resource, do the following:

  1. Rewrite image names to use the Replicated proxy registry. See Rewrite Image Names.
  2. Inject a KOTS-generated image pull secret that grants proxy access to private images. See Inject Image Pull Secrets.
  3. Add a pull secret for any Docker Hub images that could be rate limited. See Add Pull Secret for Rate-Limited Docker Hub Images.
  4. Configure the builder key to allow your users to push images to their own local registries. See Support Local Image Registries.
  5. (KOTS Existing Cluster and kURL Installations Only) Add backup labels to your resources to support backup and restore with the KOTS snapshots feature. See Add Backup Labels for Snapshots.

    Snapshots is not supported for installations with Replicated Embedded Cluster. For more information about configuring disaster recovery for Embedded Cluster, see Disaster Recovery for Embedded Cluster.

Task 1: Rewrite Image Names

Configure the KOTS HelmChart custom resource values key so that KOTS rewrites the names for both private and public images in your Helm values during deployment. This allows images to be accessed at one of the following locations, depending on where they were pushed:

  • The Replicated proxy registry ( or your custom domain)
  • A public image registry
  • Your customer's local registry
  • The built-in registry used in Replicated Embedded Cluster or Replicated kURL installations in air-gapped environments

You will use the following KOTS template functions to conditionally rewrite image names depending on where the given image should be accessed:

  • HasLocalRegistry: Returns true if the installation environment is configured to use a local image registry. HasLocalRegistry is always true in air gap installations. HasLocalRegistry is also true in online installations if the user configured a local private registry.

  • LocalRegistryHost: Returns the host of the local registry that the user configured. Alternatively, for air gap installations with Embedded Cluster or kURL, LocalRegistryHost returns the host of the built-in registry.

  • LocalRegistryNamespace: Returns the namespace of the local registry that the user configured. Alternatively, for air gap installations with Embedded Cluster or kURL, LocalRegistryNamespace returns the namespace of the built-in registry.

    What is the registry namespace?

    The registry namespace is the path between the registry and the image name. For example,

Task 1a: Rewrite Private Image Names

For any private images used by your application, configure the HelmChart custom resource so that image names are rewritten to either the Replicated proxy registry (for online installations) or to the local registry in the user's installation environment (for air gap installations or online installations where the user configured a local registry).

To rewrite image names to the location of the image in the proxy registry, use the format <proxy-domain>/proxy/<app-slug>/<image>, where:

  • <proxy-domain> is or your custom domain. For more information about configuring a custom domain for the proxy registry, see Using Custom Domains.
  • <app-slug> is the unique application slug in the Vendor Portal
  • <image> is the path to the image in your registry

For example, if the private image is and is the custom proxy registry domain, then the image name should be rewritten to

For more information, see the example below.


The following HelmChart custom resource uses the KOTS HasLocalRegistry, LocalRegistryHost, and LocalRegistryNamespace template functions to conditionally rewrite an image registry and repository depending on if a local registry is used:

# HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
# If a registry is configured by the user or by Embedded Cluster/kURL, use that registry's hostname
# Else use or your custom proxy registry domain
registry: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryHost "" }}'
# If a registry is configured by the user or by Embedded Cluster/kURL, use that registry namespace
# Else use the image's namespace at the proxy registry domain
repository: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryNamespace "proxy/my-app/" }}/nginx'
tag: v1.0.1

The spec.values.image.registry and spec.values.image.repository fields in the HelmChart custom resource above correspond to image.registry and image.repository fields in the Helm chart values.yaml file, as shown below:

# Helm chart values.yaml file

repository: my-org/nginx
tag: v1.0.1

During installation, KOTS renders the template functions and sets the image.registry and image.repository fields in the Helm chart values.yaml file based on the value of the corresponding fields in the HelmChart custom resource.

Any templates in the Helm chart that access the image.registry and image.repository fields are updated to use the appropriate value, as shown in the example below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name:
image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}

Task 1b: Rewrite Public Image Names

For any public images used by your application, configure the HelmChart custom resource so that image names are rewritten to either the location of the image in the public registry (for online installations) or the local registry (for air gap installations or online installations where the user configured a local registry.

For more information, see the example below.


The following HelmChart custom resource uses the KOTS HasLocalRegistry, LocalRegistryHost, and LocalRegistryNamespace template functions to conditionally rewrite an image registry and repository depending on if a local registry is used:

# HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
# If a local registry is used, use that registry's hostname
# Else, use the public registry host (
registry: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryHost "" }}'
# If a local registry is used, use the registry namespace provided
# Else, use the path to the image in the public registry
repository: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryNamespace "cloudnative-pg" }}/cloudnative-pg'
tag: catalog-1.24.0

The spec.values.image.registry and spec.values.image.repository fields in the HelmChart custom resource correspond to image.registry and image.repository fields in the Helm chart values.yaml file, as shown in the example below:

# Helm chart values.yaml file

repository: cloudnative-pg/cloudnative-pg
tag: catalog-1.24.0

During installation, KOTS renders the template functions and sets the image.registry and image.repository fields in your Helm chart values.yaml file based on the value of the corresponding fields in the HelmChart custom resource. Any templates in the Helm chart that access the image.registry and image.repository fields are updated to use the appropriate value, as shown in the example below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- name:
image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}

Task 2: Inject Image Pull Secrets

Kubernetes requires a Secret of type to authenticate with a registry and pull a private image. When you reference a private image in a Pod definition, you also provide the name of the Secret in a imagePullSecrets key in the Pod definition. For more information, see Specifying imagePullSecrets on a Pod in the Kubernetes documentation.

During installation, KOTS creates a type Secret that is based on the customer license. This pull secret grants access to the private image through the Replicated proxy registry or in the Replicated registry. Additionally, if the user configured a local image registry, then the pull secret contains the credentials for the local registry. You must provide the name of this KOTS-generated pull secret in any Pod definitions that reference the private image.

You can inject the name of this pull secret into a field in the HelmChart custom resource using the Replicated ImagePullSecretName template function. During installation, KOTS sets the value of the corresponding field in your Helm chart values.yaml file with the rendered value of the ImagePullSecretName template function.


The following example shows a spec.values.image.pullSecrets array in the HelmChart custom resource that uses the ImagePullSecretName template function to inject the name of the KOTS-generated pull secret:

# HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
# Note: Use or your custom domain
registry: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryHost "" }}'
repository: '{{repl HasLocalRegistry | ternary LocalRegistryNamespace "proxy/my-app/" }}/api'
- name: '{{repl ImagePullSecretName }}'

The spec.values.image.pullSecrets array in the HelmChart custom resource corresponds to a image.pullSecrets array in the Helm chart values.yaml file, as shown in the example below:

# Helm chart values.yaml file

repository: my-org/api/nginx
- name: my-org-secret

During installation, KOTS renders the ImagePullSecretName template function and adds the rendered pull secret name to the image.pullSecrets array in the Helm chart values.yaml file.

Any templates in the Helm chart that access the image.pullSecrets field are updated to use the name of the KOTS-generated pull secret, as shown in the example below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}
{{- with .Values.image.pullSecrets }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }}
{{- end }}

Task 3: Add Pull Secret for Rate-Limited Docker Hub Images

Docker Hub enforces rate limits for Anonymous and Free users. To avoid errors caused by reaching the rate limit, your users can run the kots docker ensure-secret command, which creates an <app-slug>-kotsadm-dockerhub secret for pulling Docker Hub images and applies the secret to Kubernetes manifests that have images. For more information, see Avoiding Docker Hub Rate Limits.

If you are deploying a Helm chart with Docker Hub images that could be rate limited, to support the use of the kots docker ensure-secret command, any Pod definitions in your Helm chart templates that reference the rate-limited image must be updated to access the <app-slug>-kotsadm-dockerhub pull secret, where <app-slug> is your application slug. For more information, see Get the Application Slug.

You can do this by adding the <app-slug>-kotsadm-dockerhub pull secret to a field in the values key of the HelmChart custom resource, along with a matching field in your Helm chart values.yaml file. During installation, KOTS sets the value of the matching field in the values.yaml file with the <app-slug>-kotsadm-dockerhub pull secret, and any Helm chart templates that access the value are updated.

For more information about Docker Hub rate limiting, see Understanding Docker Hub rate limiting on the Docker website.


The following Helm chart values.yaml file includes image.registry, image.repository, and image.pullSecrets for a rate-limited Docker Hub image:

# Helm chart values.yaml file

repository: my-org/example-docker-hub-image
pullSecrets: []

The following HelmChart custom resource includes spec.values.image.registry, spec.values.image.repository, and spec.values.image.pullSecrets, which correspond to those in the Helm chart values.yaml file above.

The spec.values.image.pullSecrets array lists the <app-slug>-kotsadm-dockerhub pull secret, where the slug for the application is example-app-slug:

# HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
repository: my-org/example-docker-hub-image
- name: example-app-slug-kotsadm-dockerhub

During installation, KOTS adds the example-app-slug-kotsadm-dockerhub secret to the image.pullSecrets array in the Helm chart values.yaml file. Any templates in the Helm chart that access image.pullSecrets are updated to use example-app-slug-kotsadm-dockerhub:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: example
- name: example
image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}
{{- with .Values.image.pullSecrets }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }}
{{- end }}

Task 4: Support the Use of Local Image Registries

Local image registries are required for KOTS installations in air-gapped environments with no outbound internet connection. Also, users in online environments can optionally use a local registry. For more information about how users configure a local image registry with KOTS, see Configuring Local Image Registries.

To support the use of local registries, configure the builder key. For more information about how to configure the builder key, see builder in HelmChart v2.

Task 5: Add Backup Labels for Snapshots (KOTS Existing Cluster and kURL Installations Only)


The Replicated snapshots feature for backup and restsore is supported only for existing cluster installations with KOTS. Snapshots are not support for installations with Embedded Cluster. For more information about disaster recovery for installations with Embedded Cluster, see Disaster Recovery for Embedded Cluster.

The snapshots feature requires the following labels on all resources in your Helm chart that you want to be included in the backup:

  • velero
  • APP_SLUG, where APP_SLUG is the slug of your Replicated application.

For more information about snapshots, see Understanding Backup and Restore.

To support backup and restore with snapshots, add the velero and APP_SLUG labels to fields under the HelmChart custom resource optionalValues key. Add a when statement that evaluates to true only when the customer license has the isSnapshotSupported entitlement.

The fields that you create under the optionalValues key must map to fields in your Helm chart values.yaml file. For more information about working with the optionalValues key, see optionalValues in HelmChart v2.


The following example shows how to add backup labels for snapshots in the optionalValues key of the HelmChart custom resource:

# HelmChart custom resource

kind: HelmChart
name: samplechart
# add backup labels only if the license supports snapshots
- when: "repl{{ LicenseFieldValue `isSnapshotSupported` }}"
recursiveMerge: true
commonLabels: velero repl{{ LicenseFieldValue "appSlug" }}
podLabels: velero repl{{ LicenseFieldValue "appSlug" }}

Additional Information

About the HelmChart Custom Resource

To deploy Helm charts, KOTS requires a unique HelmChart custom resource for each Helm chart .tgz archive in the release. You configure the HelmChart custom resource to provide the necessary instructions to KOTS for processing and preparing the chart for deployment. Additionally, the HelmChart custom resource creates a mapping between KOTS and your Helm chart to allow Helm values to be dynamically set during installation or upgrade.

For more information about the HelmChart custom resource, including the unique requirements and limitations for the keys described in this topic, see HelmChart v2.

HelmChart v1 and v2 Differences

To support the use of local registries with version of the HelmChart custom resource, provide the necessary values in the builder field to render the Helm chart with all of the necessary images so that KOTS knows where to pull the images from to push them into the local registry.

For more information about how to configure the builder key, see Packaging Air Gap Bundles for Helm Charts and builder in HelmChart v2.

The HelmChart custom resource has the following differences from

HelmChart v1beta2HelmChart v1beta1Description
apiVersion: is updated to
releaseNamechart.releaseNamereleaseName is a top level field under spec
N/AhelmVersionhelmVersion field is removed
N/AuseHelmInstalluseHelmInstall field is removed

Migrate Existing KOTS Installations to HelmChart v2

Existing KOTS installations can be migrated to use the KOTS HelmChart v2 method, without having to reinstall the application.

There are different steps for migrating to HelmChart v2 depending on the application deployment method used previously. For more information, see Migrating Existing Installations to HelmChart v2.