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velero configure-azure

Configures snapshots to use an Azure Blob Storage Container as a storage destination. Currently only the Service Principle authentication method of the velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure.

Valid Subcommands:

  • service-principle


kubectl kots velero configure-azure [subcommand]
-h, --helphelp for configure-azure


kubectl kots velero configure-azure service-principle [flags]
  • Provide [flags] according to the table below
-h, --helphelp for service-principle
-n, --namespacestringthe namespace of the admin console (required)
--client-idstringthe client ID of a Service Principle with access to the blob storage container (required)
--client-secretstringthe client secret of a Service Principle with access to the blob storage container (required)
--cloud-namestringthe Azure cloud target. Options: AzurePublicCloud, AzureUSGovernmentCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureGermanCloud (default AzurePublicCloud)
--containerstringname of the Azure blob storage container where backups should be stored (required)
--path stringpath to a subdirectory in the blob storage container
--resource-groupstringthe resource group name of the blob storage container (required)
--skip-validationboolskip the validation of the blob storage container (default false)
--storage-accountstringthe storage account name of the blob storage container (required)
--subscription-idstringthe subscription id associated with the blob storage container (required)
--tenant-id stringthe tenant ID associated with the blob storage container (required)


kubectl kots velero configure-azure service-principle --namespace default  --container velero --resource-group Velero_Backups --storage-account velero1111362eb32b --subscription-id "1111111-1111-47a7-9671-c904d681c2b2" --tenant-id "1111111-1111-42e1-973b-ad2efc689308" --client-id "1111111-1111-4ac3-9e2b-bbea61392432" --client-secret "<secret here>"