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Managing Custom License Fields

In addition to the built-in license fields available through the Replicated vendor portal, you can also create custom license fields for a customer.

For information about the fields that are included by default for each customer license, see Using built-in license fields.

About Custom License Fields

Custom license fields are useful when there is entitlement information that applies to a subset of customers. For example, you can create a custom license field to limit the number of active users permitted. Or, you can create a field that limits the number of nodes a customer is permitted on their cluster.

The custom license fields that you create are displayed in the Vendor Portal for all new and existing customers. If the custom field is not hidden, it is also displayed under the Licenses tab for customers in the Replicated Admin Console.

Create Custom License Fields

To create a custom license field:

  1. Log in to the Vendor Portal and select the application.

  2. On the License Fields page, click Create license field.

    create a new License Field dialog

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  3. Complete the following fields:

    FieldThe name used to reference the field. This value cannot be changed.
    TitleThe display name for the field. This is how the field appears in the Vendor Portal and the Admin Console. You can change the title in the Vendor Portal.
    TypeThe field type. Supported formats include integer, string, text (multi-line string), and boolean values. This value cannot be changed.
    DefaultThe default value for the field for both existing and new customers. It is a best practice to provide a default value when possible.
    RequiredIf checked, this prevents the creation of customers unless this field is explicitly defined with a value.
    HiddenIf checked, the field is not visible to your customer in the Replicated Admin Console. The field is still visible to you in the Vendor Portal. Note: The Hidden field is displayed only for vendors with access to the Replicated KOTS installer.

Update Custom License Fields

To update a custom license field:

  1. Log in to the Vendor Portal and select the application.

  2. On the License Fields page, click Edit Field on the right side of the target row. Changing the default value for a field updates the value for each existing customer record that has not overridden the default value.


    Enabling Is this field is required? updates the license field to be required on all new and existing licenses. If you enable Is this field is required?, you must either set a default value for the field or manually update each existing license file to provide a value for the field.

Set Customer-Specific Values for Custom License Fields

To set a customer-specific value for a custom license field:

  1. Log in to the Vendor Portal and select the application.

  2. Click Customers.

  3. For the target customer, click the Manage customer button.

  4. Under Custom fields, enter values for the target custom license fields for the customer.

    Custom license fields section in the manage customer page

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Delete Custom License Fields

Deleted license fields and their values do not appear in the customer's license in any location, including your view in the Vendor Portal, the downloaded YAML version of the license, and the Admin Console license screen.

By default, deleting a license field also deletes all of the values associated with the field in each customer record.

Only administrators can delete license fields.


Replicated recommends that you take care when deleting license fields.

Outages can occur for existing deployments if your application or the Admin Console Config page expect a license file to provide a required value.

To delete a custom license field:

  1. Log in to the Vendor Portal and select the application.

  2. On the License Fields page, click Edit Field on the right side of the target row.

  3. Click Delete on the bottom left of the dialog.

  4. (Optional) Enable Preserve License Values to save values for the license field that were not set by the default in each customer record. Preserved license values are not visible to you or the customer.


    If you enable Preserve License Values, you can create a new field with the same name and type as the deleted field to reinstate the preserved values.

  5. Follow the instructions in the dialog and click Delete.