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Step 6: Create a New Version

In this step, you edit the Replicated Config custom resource file to create a new field on the KOTS Admin Console Config page. You then promote the new release to the Unstable channel with your changes.

To create and promote a new version of the application:

  1. From the Vendor Portal, click Releases > Create Release.

The YAML editor opens and shows the contents of the most recently created release. This gives you everything that you have done so far.

  1. In the kots-config.yaml file, copy and paste the following YAML into the file under the example_default_value field to create a new text field on the Admin Console Config page:

    - name: more_text
    title: Another Text Example
    type: text
    value: ""
    when: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals "show_text_inputs" "1" }}

    The following shows the full YAML for the kots-config.yaml file after you add the new field:

    kind: Config
    name: config-sample
    - name: example_settings
    title: My Example Config
    description: Configuration to serve as an example for creating your own. See []( for configuration docs. In this case, we provide example fields for configuring an Nginx welcome page.
    - name: show_text_inputs
    title: Customize Text Inputs
    help_text: "Show custom user text inputs"
    type: bool
    default: "0"
    recommended: true
    - name: example_default_value
    title: Text Example (with default value)
    type: text
    value: ""
    default: please change this value
    when: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals "show_text_inputs" "1" }}
    # Add the new more_text field here
    - name: more_text
    title: Another Text Example
    type: text
    value: ""
    when: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals "show_text_inputs" "1" }}
    - name: api_token
    title: API token
    type: password
    rows: 5
    when: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals "show_text_inputs" "1" }}
    - name: readonly_text_left
    title: Readonly Text
    type: text
    value: "{{repl RandomString 10}}"
    readonly: true
    when: repl{{ ConfigOptionEquals "show_text_inputs" "1" }}
    - name: hidden_text
    title: Secret Key
    type: password
    hidden: true
    value: "{{repl RandomString 40}}"

  2. Check the linter messages in the Help pane to ensure there are no errors.

  3. In the example-configmap.yaml file, copy and paste the following HTML to replace the <body> section:

    This is an example KOTS application.
    <p>This is text from a user config value: '{{repl ConfigOption "example_default_value"}}' </p>
    <p>This is more text from a user config value: '{{repl ConfigOption "more_text"}}' </p>
    <p>This is a hidden value: '{{repl ConfigOption "hidden_text"}}'</p>

    This creates a reference to the more_text field using a Replicated KOTS template function. The ConfigOption template function renders the user input from the configuration item that you specify. For more information, see Config Context in Reference.

  4. Check the linter messages in the Help pane to ensure there are no errors.

  5. Click Save Release.

  6. Promote the release to a channel:

    1. Click Promote at the top of the page.

    2. Choose the Unstable channel in the Promote Release dialog, and click Promote.

    Any license installed from the Unstable channel will start with this new release, and any installation already running is prompted to update to the new release when the Admin Console checks for updates.

Next Step

Continue to Step 7: Update the Application to return to the Admin Console to update the application to the new version.