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Step 1: Create an Application

To begin, install the Replicated CLI and create an application in the Replicated Vendor Portal.

An application is an object that has its own customers, channels, releases, license fields, and more. A single team can have more than one application. It is common for teams to have multiple applications for the purpose of onboarding, testing, and iterating.

To create an application:

  1. Install the Replicated CLI:

    brew install replicatedhq/replicated/cli

    For more installation options, see Installing the Replicated CLI.

  2. Authorize the Replicated CLI:

    replicated login

    In the browser window that opens, complete the prompts to log in to your vendor account and authorize the CLI.

  3. Create an application named Gitea:

    replicated app create Gitea
  4. Set the REPLICATED_APP environment variable to the application that you created. This allows you to interact with the application using the Replicated CLI without needing to use the --app flag with every command:

    1. Get the slug for the application that you created:

      replicated app ls

      Example output:

      ID                             NAME            SLUG           SCHEDULER
      2WthxUIfGT13RlrsUx9HR7So8bR Gitea gitea-kite kots

      In the example above, the application slug is gitea-kite.


      The application slug is a unique string that is generated based on the application name. You can use the application slug to interact with the application through the Replicated CLI and the Vendor API v3. The application name and slug are often different from one another because it is possible to create more than one application with the same name.

    2. Set the REPLICATED_APP environment variable to the application slug.


      export REPLICATED_APP=gitea-kite

Next Step

Add the Replicated SDK to the Helm chart and package the chart to an archive. See Step 2: Package the Helm Chart.