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Step 5: Create a Customer

After promoting the first release for the cli-tutorial application, create a customer so that you can install the application.

A customer is an object in the Vendor Portal that represents a single licensed user of your application. When you create a customer, you define entitlement information for the user, and the Vendor Portal generates a YAML license file for the customer that you can download.

When you install the application later in this tutorial, you will upload the license file that you create in this step to allow KOTS to create the application containers.

To create a customer and download the license file:

  1. From the replicated-cli-tutorial directory, create a license for a customer named Some-Big-Bank that is assigned to the Unstable channel and expires in 10 days:

    replicated customer create \
    --name "Some-Big-Bank" \
    --expires-in "240h" \
    --channel "Unstable"

    The Unstable channel is the channel where you promoted the release in Step 4: Create a Release. Assigning the customer to a channel allows them to install the releases that are promoted to that channel.

    Example output:

    ID                             NAME             CHANNELS     EXPIRES                          TYPE
    2GuB3VYLjU5t9vNDK6byjgiTKUs Some-Big-Bank Unstable 2022-11-10 14:59:49 +0000 UTC dev
  2. Verify the customer creation details:

    replicated customer ls

    Example output:

    ID                             NAME             CHANNELS     EXPIRES                          TYPE
    2GuB3VYLjU5t9vNDK6byjgiTKUs Some-Big-Bank Unstable 2022-11-10 14:59:49 +0000 UTC dev
  3. Download the license file for the customer that you just created:

    replicated customer download-license \
    --customer "Some-Big-Bank"

    The license downloads to stdout.

    Example output:

    kind: License
    name: some-big-bank
    appSlug: cli-tutorial
    channelID: 2GmYFUFzj8JOSLYw0jAKKJKFua8
    channelName: Unstable
    customerName: Some-Big-Bank
    description: License Expiration
    title: Expiration
    value: "2022-11-10T14:59:49Z"
    valueType: String
    isNewKotsUiEnabled: true
    licenseID: 2GuB3ZLQsU38F5SX3n03x8qBzeL
    licenseSequence: 1
    licenseType: dev
    signature: eyJsaW...
  4. Rename the license file and save it to your Desktop folder:

    export LICENSE_FILE=~/Desktop/Some-Big-Bank-${REPLICATED_APP}-license.yaml
    replicated customer download-license --customer "Some-Big-Bank" > "${LICENSE_FILE}"
  5. Verify that the license was written properly using either cat or head:

    head ${LICENSE_FILE}

    Example output:

    kind: License
    name: some-big-bank
    appSlug: cli-tutorial
    channelID: 2GmYFUFzj8JOSLYw0jAKKJKFua8
    channelName: Unstable
    customerName: Some-Big-Bank

Next Step

Continue to Step 6: Install KOTS and the Application to get the installation commands from the Unstable channel, then install the KOTS components and the sample application in your cluster.