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Developing Against the SDK API (Beta)

This topic describes how to enable integration mode for the Replicated SDK to develop and test changes locally. For more information about the SDK API, see Replicated SDK API (Beta).

About Integration Mode

You can use the Replicated SDK in integration mode to develop locally against the SDK API without needing to make real changes in the Replicated Vendor Portal or in your environment.

To use integration mode, install the Replicated SDK as a standalone component using a valid development license created in the Replicated Vendor Portal. After you install in integration mode, the SDK provides default mock data for requests to the SDK API app endpoints. Requests to the license endpoints use the real data from your development license.

To use the Replicated SDK in integration mode, complete the following procedures:

  1. Create a Development License
  2. Install the SDK in integration mode

Create a Development License

To use integration mode, you first need to create a development license that you can use to install the SDK. When you create the development license, you can add values to any license fields that you want to use in testing.

For information about development licenses, see License Types in About Licenses.

To create a development license:

  1. In the Vendor Portal, go to Customers and click Create customer.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    1. For Customer name, add a name for the customer.

    2. For Assigned channel, assign the customer to the channel that you use for testing. For example, Unstable.

    3. For Customer type, select Development.

    4. For Customer email, add the email address that you want to use for the license.

    create customer page in the Vendor Portal View a larger version of this image

  3. (Optional) Add any license field values that you want to use for testing:

    1. For Expiration policy, you can add an expiration date for the license.

    2. For Custom fields, you can add values for any custom license fields in your application. For information about how to create custom license fields, see Managing Custom License Fields.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Install the SDK in Integration Mode

To develop against the SDK locally in your development environment, install the SDK in integration mode as a standalone component in your cluster.

To install the SDK in integration mode:

  1. On the Manage customer page for the customer you created, click Helm install instructions.

    Helm install instructions button on the manage customer page

  2. In the Helm install instructions dialog, copy and run the command to log in to the Replicated registry.

    Registry login command in the Helm install instructions dialog

  3. From the same dialog, copy and run the command to install the SDK in integration mode:

    SDK integration mode install command in the Helm install instructions dialog

  4. Make requests to the SDK API from your application. Requests to the license endpoints use your actual development license data, while requests to the app endpoints use the default mock data. For more information about using the SDK API, see Replicated SDK API (Beta).