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Step 5: Run Preflights with the Helm CLI

Use the Helm CLI installation instructions provided for the customer that you created to run the preflight checks for Gitea and install. The purpose of this step is to demonstrate how enterprise users can run preflight checks defined in a Helm chart before installing.

To run preflight checks and install with the Helm CLI:

  1. Create a gitea namespace for the installation:

    kubectl create namespace gitea
  2. Update the current kubectl context to target the new gitea namespace. This ensures that the chart is installed in the gitea namespace without requiring you to set the --namespace flag with the helm install command:

    kubectl config set-context --namespace=gitea --current
  3. In the vendor portal, go to the Customers page.

  4. On the Customer details page for the customer that you created, click Helm install instructions.

    Helm install instrucitons button

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  5. Run the first command in the Helm install instructions dialog to log in to the Replicated registry.

  6. Run the second command to install the preflight kubectl plugin:

    curl | bash

    The preflight plugin is a client-side utility used to run preflight checks.

  7. Run the third command to run preflight checks:

    helm template oci://$REPLICATED_APP/unstable/gitea | kubectl preflight -

    This command templates the Gitea chart and then pipes the result to the preflight plugin. The following shows an example of the ouput for this command:

    Preflight CLI output

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  8. Run the fourth command listed under Option 1: Install Gitea to install the application:

    helm install gitea oci://$REPLICATED_APP/unstable/gitea
  9. Uninstall and delete the namespace:

    helm uninstall gitea --namespace gitea
    kubectl delete namespace gitea

Next Step

Install the application with KOTS to see how preflight checks are run from the KOTS admin console. See Run Preflights with KOTS.