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Step 4: Create a Customer

After promoting the release, create a customer so that you can run the preflight checks and install.

To create a customer:

  1. In the vendor portal, click Customers > Create customer.

    The Create a new customer page opens:

    Customer a new customer page in the vendor portal

    View a larger version of this image

  2. For Customer name, enter a name for the customer. For example, Preflight Customer.

  3. For Channel, select Unstable. This allows the customer to install releases promoted to the Unstable channel.

  4. For Customer email, enter the email address for the customer. The customer email address is required to install the application with the Helm CLI. This email address is never used send emails to customers.

  5. For License type, select Development.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Next Step

Use the Helm CLI to run the preflight checks you defined and install Gitea. See Run Preflights with the Helm CLI.